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The current population of the State of Ohio is 11.75 million people. Recent church studies have concluded that 11% of the population regularly attends church. The definition used for “regular church attendance” was once every six weeks. Therefore, on average approximately 1.3 million people regularly attend church on any given Sunday in Ohio. As a result, 89% or 10.4 million people are far from God in the Buckeye state.
The trends in Ohio align with the national condition of the evangelical church in America. 72% of evangelical churches in North America are plateaued (no numerical growth in attendance, giving or membership in the last 36 months) or in decline (consistent decline numerically in attendance, giving or membership for 36 months).
On average, 180 evangelical churches per week are closed in North American, while 72 new churches are planted on average per week. This is an average net loss of 108 evangelical churches per week in North America. The average worship attendance of evangelical churches in North America is 58 people. Meanwhile, from 2020 to 2021, the population growth in North America was 1,912,422 persons, an average increase of 36,778 weekly. The evangelical church in North America has lost pace with the population rate. As a result, we are becoming an increasingly unchurched culture.
These realities demand a bold response from the church community. Church revitalization, church planting and evangelism are the Biblical mandates necessary in order to reach the unchurched people in our communities in Ohio. The Lord is looking for local, life-giving churches that embrace the Great Commandment and are committed to the Great Commission!
Ohio Kingdom Advancement consists of three focuses of ministry. Evangelism, Church Planting and Church Revitalization. The buttons below will take you into the specific ministry focus of your interest.