We are officially less than one month away from our Girl's Day Out, “Wonderfully Made.” I invite you to bring your girls from the ages of 5-12 to a day letting them know how beautiful and special they are. The day will be filled with fun times but, above all, a time to be with the Lord, worshipping and learning His word.
We are praying the Lord touches their lives and they return home, being reminded they are fearfully and wonderfully made. They are created with purpose in a world that needs them to stand up and stand out in the name of Jesus.
We are excited to have this day as a way for the girls to connect with other girls their ages and hopefully build friendships that will last them a lifetime.
This event will take place at Connection Point COG in Grove City. Registration will begin at 10:00 AM, and the cost will be $15.00, which includes lunch and a few goodies they will be able to come home with.
We also ask for your girls to dress in their favorite dress. We want them to feel the most beautiful on this day dedicated to them.
May the Lord continue blessing you and your family. We look forward to seeing your girls.
If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact us at our state office.