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The birthing of new churches provides a great opportunity to reach the unchurched people in our communities. Knowing that it takes all kinds of churches to reach all kinds of people, new churches can identify and connect with those far from God in a community to which God has called a planter to step out in faith for the sake of the gospel. The DNA of a church plant is evangelical at its core, new churches are intrinsically more effective at reaching those who are far from God. The ambition of the Ohio Church of God Advancement Team is to identify, train, resource and encourage faith-filled church planters to launch gospel centric, life-giving churches throughout the state of Ohio.

We want to help you discover if church planting is the right fit for you. Complete our online application and assessment. If approved, you will be invited to complete the training process.

The team will work with the church planter to determine the specific assignment that God has given to them. Together, we will identify the strengths and measures that God has deposited into the church planter.

Once the assignment is clear, the planter is assigned a coach who will walk through the process with them. We will partner with qualified candidates to train them to establish a Biblical approach to church planting in their context. The tools gained at this stage will prepare the candidate to move toward realizing the fulfillment of the dream that God has birthed in the heart of the planter.

The planter will be invited to participate in the church planting lab that establishes and clarifies the path toward a specific launch season.

Once the planting standards are realized and all training is complete, you’ll set a launch date with the assistance of your coach.

There will be ongoing care through the relationship with the coach and planter.
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